Flora & Fauna Areas

West Indies Flora/Fauna
Venezuela Flora/Fauna
SW Caribbean Flora/Fauna
Galapagos Flora/Fauna
Fr. Polynesia Flora/Fauna
Tonga & Fiji Flora/Fauna
Australia Flora/Fauna
Southeast Asia Flora/Fauna
Sri Lanka Flora/Fauna
Madagascar Flora/Fauna
Marine Mammals

Flora and Fauna

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A Brahminy Kite soars over Thailand
Brahminy Kite soaring

Our extensive Flora and Fauna section highlights many of the plants and animals we've encountered in the tropics around the world.  You'll find pages on the West Indies (West Indies Flora and Fauna), Venezuela (Venezuela Flora and Fauna), the Southwest Caribbean which includes Bonaire, Curacao and the San Blas Islands of Panama (SW Caribbean Flora and Fauna), Galapagos Flora and Fauna, French Polynesia including the Marquesas, Tuamotus, and Society Islands (Fr. Polynesia Flora and Fauna), Tonga and Fiji (Tonga & Fiji Flora and Fauna), Australian animals and plants (especially the east and south of Australia (Australia Flora and Fauna), Southeast Asia, including the plants and animals of Indonesia, Kalimantan (Borneo), Malaysia, and Thailand (Southeast Asia Flora and Fauna), and Sri Lankan animals and plants (Sri Lanka Flora and Fauna).  Throughout the tropical oceans we've encountered many Marine Mammals including such animals as Humpback Whales in Tonga, Spinner Dolphins in French Polynesia, Pantropical Dolphins in Fiji, and the Fur Seals and Sea Lions of the Galapagos (Marine Mammals).

The more we travel, the more we find ourselves drawn to the nature reserves, national parks and animal sanctuaries of the countries we visit. Given time ashore, these are the places we seek out. We are learning how the world's plants and animals both vary and overlap from one region to another.  And we're coming to recognize similar habitat from one part of the world to another -- thereby knowing what sorts of plants or animals to look for.  Also of utmost importance is learning which birds, land and marine animals are endangered -- why and where and what can be done about it.

New Information:
Look for side-bars like this on our Flora and Fauna pages.  They give travel advice on where to go to see the animals, plants and birds.

As amateur naturalists we need to refer to the experts: the ornithologists, zoologists, naturalists, botanists, ecologists and biologists who share their knowledge either on eco-tours or through books.  We have taken nature tours on land and nature cruises on rivers and the sea in the the Caribbean, Venezuela, The Galapagos, French Polynesia, Fiji, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand and many African countries.  Our boat has a mini-library of nature reference books for birds, animals, plants, the topics in general and the marine environment.  The information provided on the flora and fauna pages is the best we can do with the information we have at hand.  If you have corrections or important additions please contact us. We love to hear from you!

Chital Deer buck, Sri Lanka
Chital Deer buck, Sri Lanka

Chris and Amanda are now major contributors to our flora and fauna pages -- specifically Underwater Flora and Fauna begun in French Polynesia when we got our Canon A80 digital camera and underwater housing (later updated to the A710.)  The digital camera is a superb tool, allowing us to take and re-take tricky shots of marine life.  Onshore, we now use a Canon 350D (Rebel), the least expensive digital SLR in the Canon line, which allows us to use our image-stabilized telephoto lenses and take advantage of the super-fast shutter speeds needed to capture birds in flight.  Amanda has become the primary wildlife photographer.  Please note that all photographs and text are copyrighted material.

You can get a sense of the environments we're traveling through by checking out the Flora and Fauna pages for the West Indies, Venezuela, South West Caribbean, Galapagos, French Polynesia, Tonga and Fiji, and Australia.  In the Indian Ocean region we have pages on SE Asia (which includes Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand) and Sri Lanka with its fabulous Yala National Park.  You'll find information on the common plants, birds, and animals in each of these regions.

We wish we had photos of all the wonderful flora and fauna that we see (and hear), but we don't -- so we hope you enjoy this partial view of the plants and animals that we've encountered while cruising.

Up | West Indies Flora/Fauna | Venezuela Flora/Fauna | SW Caribbean Flora/Fauna | Galapagos Flora/Fauna | Fr. Polynesia Flora/Fauna | Tonga & Fiji Flora/Fauna | Australia Flora/Fauna | Southeast Asia Flora/Fauna | Sri Lanka Flora/Fauna | Madagascar Flora/Fauna | Marine Mammals

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